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plant-based nutrition + lifestyle medicine

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Choose the positive changes you'd like to make:

To raise healthy children and stay active with them.

To learn how to prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes in kids and adults.

To lower your cholesterol and prevent heart disease.

To lose weight, improve your energy and feel better.

To improve digestion and resolve abdominal issues.

To adopt a nutritional plan that’s healthy for children.


Start your family on the path to being their best – healthy and happy.

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Dr. Eric Flug, MD

Hello, I’m Dr. Eric Flug, a board-certified pediatrician with many years of experience providing expert care for families.

During my years in practice, I noticed that chronic lifestyle diseases – such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes and hypertension, that we typically see in older people – are beginning in the earlier stages of life and are now affecting children.

In 2008, The American Academy of Pediatrics recognized that heart disease begins in childhood and recommended screening at age 9. In fact, nearly 70% of children in this country already show early signs of cardiac disease by age 12.

The good news is, by choosing a whole food plant-based diet and making other lifestyle changes, you can prevent and even reverse many chronic diseases. I work with families and patients who are interested in the role that proper nutrition plays in health.
