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plant-based nutrition + lifestyle medicine

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Dr. Eric Flug, MD
Dr. Eric Flug, MD

Hello, I’m Dr. Flug. I’m excited to champion whole food, plant-based nutrition, using my knowledge and expertise to help individuals and families like yours.

I believe in the science behind the medicine – this science, combined with my medical training and experience formed the essence of my medical practice. This ‘essence’ was forever altered in February 2014, when I attended an Engine 2 immersion, with an interest in learning more about the science of nutrition and its effect on health. As I listened to Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s lecture and later talked with him over dinner, I was able to ask him about my previously learned “facts” about heart disease, inflammatory disease, aching joints of aging and other chronic illnesses.

It was a huge eye-opener – why had I not known all this information previously, from medical school, regularly reading journals, attending annual continued medical education courses? It was distressing to note the lack of medical knowledge about nutrition and its health effects available to physicians during my career.

Personally, I was a busy practitioner of pediatrics, slowly falling out of shape for someone who had previously been athletic and fit. I had gained a few extra pounds and experienced aching joints.

My cholesterol level was greater than 220 mg/dl with a very strong family history of heart disease. My doctor had offered me nothing other than a prescription for a statin, all with their known side effects and complications of treatment.

After listening to other luminaries, I left the immersion and started on a 28-day trial of whole food, plant-based eating. In 14 days, I did a cholesterol test at the medical office. The result was 139 mg/dl; and I realized that this is not my genetics, I do not have to have heart disease, it is what I eat – the food and nutrition that I choose! I’m healthier now than I have been in years, and I now offer this to my patients. Once they are healthier, I see them less often, but treating them more appropriately and successfully is my medical credo.

Today, my focus and passion are to help others through lifestyle medicine and nutrition, so families can share good health. Together, let’s keep your family healthy, starting today!



M.D. – Saint Louis University School of Medicine 1975

M.A. – Washington University, Department of Chemistry 1970

B.S. – Brooklyn College of the City University of New York 1968


1992-2015 – Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Saint Louis University School of Medicine

1982-1992 – Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Saint Louis University School of Medicine

1978-1982 – Attending Physician and Clinical Instructor of Pediatrics, Cardinal Glennon Hospital, Saint Louis University


1996-2020 – SSM Medical Group Pediatrics, General Community Pediatrics

1978-1996 – Metropolitan Pediatrics, Partner in Private Community Pediatric Practice

1975-1978 – Resident in Pediatrics, Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, Saint Louis University


Certification in Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics 1979

Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics

Member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition through the T. Colin Campbell Institute

The Rouxbe Cooking School Plant-Based Program

Saint Louis University
American Board of Pediatrics
Washington University in St. Louis
The Plantrician Project
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American College of Lifestyle Medicine
American Academy of Pediatrics
T. Colin Campbell